La compagnia aerea Emirates di Dubai punta sul vino. Ogni giorno oltre 60 vini ricavati dai migliori vigneti di 12 paesi, e con l’Italia in prima fila, verranno serviti a bordo dei velivoli Emirates ai passeggeri di tutte le classi, sottolinea un anota della compagnia.
The leader of The Police has already turned Il Palagio, a 16th century estate near Florence, into an active farm, producing honey, olive oil and critically acclaimed “biodynamic” wine. Now the Newcastle-born singer, 61, has decided to give up some of his privacy by renting out six cottages on the estate at the rock star…
Gli Uffizi scalano la classifica dei musei più visitati in Italia, prima dei rinomati Musei Vaticani, e vengono anche classificati dal quotidiano inglese Times il museo più bello del mondo, secondo il parere di un pool di critici ed esperti d’arte. Nella classifica mondiale stilata da The Art Newspaper sul numero di visitatori, però, il…
We are always dreaming of the next, up-and-coming cities in Europe to tackle–Cardiff and Dresden, say — but when was the last time you (re)visited a classic like Florence? Perhaps it was years ago on a post-college trip, or maybe it was part of a weeklong Rome-Venice-Florence getaway. But in the past few years, there…
There’s nothing better than, well, being on vacation in the first place — and then looking out of your hotel room’s window to a gorgeous view. We’ve seen plenty of beautiful sights on our travels, and we’ve taken in some of the most breathtaking views we’ve ever seen in Florence, a city characterized by red…