PETROLO, Mercatale

The property currently covers 272 hectares including 31 ha of specialized vineyards, 19 ha of olive groves and the remaining area of woods. The soil consists of rocky stratifications of galestro, clay-like earth with schist typical of the Apennine areas in Tuscany. Petrolo is situated in the area known as the Colli Aretini, bordering on the Chianti Hills, a historical area delimited in 1716 by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo III de’ Medici. The Petrolo Estate was part of the old medieval fiefdom of Galatrona, the old tower of which still remains on top of Roman foundations. Torrione in Italian means tower, thus the name of the wine. The Winery was bought by the Bazzocchi family in the 40s and since the end of the 80s the current owner Lucia Sanjust Bazzocchi with help from her son Luca Sanjust, has changed the production aims and methods to concentrate exclusively on results of the highest quality.

